Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 1

NEW updated walk here: Part 1 - In this walk you will start at the main tourist entrance of Pompeii. You’ll then walk through the …

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  1. Ciao Walkers, here is a link to an updated Pompeii Walking Tour filmed in 2020: https://youtu.be/sUYJ8LbF1Ys

  2. Jack McHammocklashing

    So Trillions pf cubic meters of volcanic ash have been removed to uncover even a thirtieth of the site ?

  3. I laughed that the modern pizza restaurant at the end

  4. Thanks very much very interesting and helpful to walk around there but not have the chance to do it in person. thanks very much, excellent sound also (mic).

  5. How'd they know an approximate year, month and time of day of the eruption? I just randomly went down the youtube rabbit hole of pompeii and this is all very interesting.

  6. Excellent video! I love watching videos like these on my treadmill from Ireland 🇮🇪 the scenery is very similar here when comparing it with Ireland! Keep up the good work! From you fans in Ireland 🇮🇪

  7. guess you could say, we caught pompeii in 4K

  8. Eumachia the publican

  9. The statue was of the sagittai, so they must have been Zoroastrian.

  10. Volcanos are loud. They were wise to evacuate early.

  11. Just think this is happening in Spain right now.

  12. Isaac and Isabelle's world 85 #

    Italia Pompeiieria la ta scrimio Sal a Mat Vesuvius

  13. Isaac and Isabelle's world 85 #


  14. Gracias. Jamás lo conoceré en persona pero si a través de ud.

  15. Amazon ruins of Pompei. An entire city.

  16. This was amazing. Thank you for sharing. Real respect for the dead. Onto part 2.

  17. im watching this for ancient studies

  18. Thank you for such an amazing video. Last time I was there was in 2002 and there is so many things I do not remember and now I can see this beautiful video. I hope I go back soon.

  19. William Gallagher

    ovens of pompeii

  20. Crazy to even imagine how that day the volcano destroyed everything looked like

  21. So enjoy your videos. What an amazing place to wander around. I love all the shadows especially the one in courtyard of the statue.

  22. I rewatched this video tones of time I read enjoy it thank you 🙏

  23. MD. Shah Alam Khalid

    that was the punishment of Almighty Allah

  24. Would be kool to play a video game surviving Pompeii and other historical events.


  26. If all this was covered…I wonder what they did with all the pumace etc…

  27. Am watching at bedtime so I can dream I am there.😃

  28. Wish can go there one day

  29. I predict another soon coming eruption from Vesuvius during the tribulation.

  30. good video

  31. It's very neat but Erie! Just the thought that alot of people died their, its like you could just sense how alive that place used to be. Very ghostly! If those walls could talk!

  32. I just wanted to say thank you for these videos. In trying times it was hard for many not to go outside. And your content makes it possible to see this world we live in. Utterly brilliant content.

  33. You gave me a new perspective of Pompeii. Appreciate it 👍🏼